The Innovational Publishers is a research journal-based organization that start to attenuate the hurdles of research and provide comprehensive alternatives for the health fraternity. The journals are mainly focused on nursing (basic and advanced) research and subsequently on pharmacy and medical study. The nursing fraternity noticeably has the hospital practice as the required approach for the nurses in academics even. In addition to this nursing is a practice-oriented field with sound knowledge of patient care and management.
Nursing in India is mainly focused on the hospital-admitted patients’ supervision and practical than research. The limited scope and lack of research facilities along with hospital (practice) based academic carriers thus they rarely can design technical and therapeutic solution-related interventions.
Innovational Publishers is trying to provide the best alternative by providing this platform as nursing journals and by a chance to read and understand the research and to perform qualitative research by following the peer-reviewed process for the publication of the articles in nursing journals.

The team of the editors is mainly responsible for the strict evaluation and deals with pragmatic problems associated with content for the accurate and timely delivery of the manuscript. We have a healthy team of editorial members and reviewers who dedicate their time and efforts to screening the article and following the standard publication policies and guidelines.
We ( follow the ICMJE guidelines. The article is assigned for a digital objective identifier (DOI) of CrossRef company